"Freedom to Float"
Boaters Day at the State Capitol
March 18 - 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Georgia State Capitol--Room 125
Join us at the State Capitol to talk to legislators about how passionate we are about our Freedom to Float on Georgia rivers! We'll first gather to be briefed on the Freedom to Float issue by a panel of experts in Room 125 on the bottom floor of the Capitol. From there, we'll head to the halls on the third floor to meet with your legislators to educate them on the importance of protecting passage down all of Georgia's streams that are capable of floating recreational watercraft. And, we'll urge them to support our legislation that guarantees our right to float down such streams! Fact sheets and tips on talking to legislators will be provided!
Dress is business casual with your favorite PFD as an accessory! "I Float I Vote" buttons will be distributed to all participants. Optional informal tours in the Capitol Museum to see the two-headed calf and two-headed snake will also be available!
Participate in our democracy and protect your Freedom to Float! This event is FREE and open to anyone who is passionate about protecting outdoor recreation on Georgia's rivers.